Winter is coming sooner than we’d probably like to admit but it’s not something that we can avoid or ignore. That’s why today, we’re sharing our top 5 tips to start the winter preparation for your home. So, we need to make sure that we are prepared for the winter months and ensure that our homes are ready to deal with the cold weather.
The more proactive you are about preparing your home for the winter, the less you’ll have to worry about when the cold weather really is here in full force. Here are our top five tips for ensuring that your home is ready for winter.
Tip 1: Sealing and Insulation
The quickest way to run up your electric bill is to not have the right insulation inside of your home or the right windows installed. Heat escapes through poor insulation and the cold air comes right on in causing your bill to go through the roof on top of other issues that this can cause. Not having the proper insulation or upgraded windows designed to keep your home warm during the winter months and cool during the summer months, can mean that your systems are working harder than they need to which means quicker wear and tear and possibly breakdowns happening in the middle of winter. Not sure if your home is properly insulated or it’s time to replace your windows? Contact us for more information here.
Tip 2: Give Your Kitchen A Once Over
When the winter months hit we spend a lot more time in our homes and we need to make sure that all of our appliances work and that our kitchen is the space that we want to spend a lot of our time. You’ll most likely be spending more time at home cooking and eating to avoid going out in the cold weather and that’s why now before it gets too cold outside, it is a great time to start planning for your kitchen remodel. Learn more about how we help our clients with their kitchen makeover needs here.

Tip 3: Check Your Bathroom for Needed Upgrades
The right bathroom remodel can help save you a lot of money, time, and frustration. Before the winter months hit you want to make sure that you’ve checked your plumbing, sinks, faucets, and shower areas for needed upgrades. Upgrades in these areas can save you a lot of money and energy during the winter. This means that your family gets to enjoy upgraded amenities while also saving you money on your electric and water bills. Learn more about our bathroom remodeling services here.
Tip 4: Service Your Furnace and Chimney
The furnace and chimney are usually things that we only think about during the wintertime when we’re cold and ready to curl up by the fire with a nice cup of hot chocolate. But, just like the other tips that we’ve mentioned, you don’t want to wait until it’s time for you to use it. Make sure that you’re checking for any carbon monoxide leaks that can be prevented and ensuring that your unit is operating as best it can.
Tip 5: Check Your Deck and Patio
The final tip is to make sure that you’re checking your deck and patio. While these don’t always need as much maintenance and overseeing as other areas of our home, they should still also be inspected every so often to fix any problems before they become big headaches for us. Fixing things like big cracks or open spaces can help to prevent snow from getting into places that it shouldn’t be causing you much larger issues in the long run.
Okay there you have it, our top five tips for starting winter preparation for your home so that you can keep warm. Which one of these are you going to focus on first? If you’re ready to get action and o learn more about these five home improvement ideas, please contact the experts at Innovative Building & Design today!